Most likely, the first images which flash through your head when you hear the word "propane" are of hot dogs and hamburgers coming off a gril on the Fourth of July. And while no one enjoys a good summer barbecue more than we do, outdoor cooking is only the proverbial "tip of the iceberg" when it comes to propane's uses. Would it surprise you to learn that propane can power vehicles as diverse from buses and taxis to zambonis? How about its use for home heating, particularly mobile homes and houses in areas without access to natural gas pipelines? In an age when the phrase "alternative energy source" gets thrown around so cavalierly, don't we owe it to ourselves to learn about and fully realize the potential that this fuel offers?
Another major benefit of propane is that it is easy to transport; of course, like all fuels, it must be done so safely. That's the role Tank Services, Inc. is thrilled to play in this exciting, developing market.